When your space is cluttered, your head can get pretty cluttered too. If you’re a part of the eight out of every ten Americans who think that an unorganized space can make you unproductive, there’s an easy solution. You can turn your office supplies into organization tools to get your space in order and help you get back on track! Here’s how you can re-purpose your supplies.
3 Ring Binders – You can do a ton of stuff with 3 ring binders. Using numbered dividers, you can make a handy calendar/planner to get all of your events in order. Or, you can find plastic sleeve inserts and make a spot for all your mail and bills! (Cheap mailers are great for mail sorting as well.)
Printable Sticker Labels – Using laser labels, you can sort and organize all the crazy cords that get tangled up behind your desk. No more hunting to figure out the right wire, just wrap a laser label around the cord (or cords) you want to identify and write the source directly on the label. Then, the next time you need to shuffle some plugs around, you’ll know which cord goes to what device.
Sticky Notes – You can use sticky notes for tons of things. But one way to get organized is to keep track of the things you need to do every day. Making yourself task reminders on sticky notes makes it easy to put the notes where you know you’ll see them, reminding you to keep organized and on-task. (Keeping some around the house can help you remember to do certain chores, too.)
Office supplies is there for a reason: to keep your office organized. And an organized office can lead to an organized life! So put your office supplies to good use, and help put everything right where it belongs.