In the United States, there are many people who work diligently to create projects, objects, products, and innovations that many Americans utilize on a daily basis. While there are various industries that do this, one such industry is the metal industry. In fact, were 138,900 metal sheet workers in the United States alone in 2016- this number steadily rises with each passing year. In addition, the United States receives $30 billion in revenue from the sheet metal industry. Lastly, the sheet metal market is expected to grow at a rate of 4.09% until 2022.
Overall, the metal industry is successful to say the least. If you work as a sheet metal worker, or if you work in the metal industry, here are different types of metals you can utilize for your projects and work. Are you ready for aluminum, copper and brass, and thin steel sheet?
Aluminum is typically defined as a silvery-white, soft, non-magnetic and ductile metal in the boron group. It is also defined as the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust and the third most abundant element. These are all quite positive qualities of aluminum which cause workers to want to use them for their projects and work. Additionally, many companies opt for aluminum compared to other types of metals.
If you haven’t used aluminum in your company for your work, here are some reasons why you should:
The Benefits Of Aluminum
Corrosion Isn’t Present: Some metals are subjected to corrosion or rust when they are exposed to the Earth’s elements- this is traditionally water from rain type weather conditions. However, aluminum does not corrode when exposed to liquid. This is certainly a benefit, because your company and fellow employees can continue working with this metal regardless of the weather.
Durable: Many people inaccurately assume that stainless steel is the metal that has durability. Aluminum is also very durable. This is beneficial for the company you work for, and your projects and work, because aluminum will not break or become ruined very easily. You can manipulate it as you see fit, and nothing negative will occur with the metal.
Finishing: Certain metals only have a specific number of finishing choices once you are done with your project or work and need to finish it. This limits yourself and the products your company produces. However, with aluminum, you are not limited in this area. This is because aluminum has many, many options you can choose from! In addition, because of this, you’re guaranteed to find the right fit. This will then lead you to creating the most ideal product with aluminum.
Copper And Brass
Copper Brass is another metal you should consider for your company, projects, and work. Copper and brass are different than aluminum because they are considered red metals. If you want a metal with a slight tint for your projects and work, copper and brass is for you.
Similar to aluminum, there are benefits to using copper brass. Here are some of them:
Benefits of Copper And Brass
Appearance: If your company is all about appearances and making a good impression, copper and brass can assist with this. This is because when you utilize copper and bronze for your projects and work, they will have a gold-like tint or finish. Overall, this makes the physical appearance of your project or work very aesthetically pleasing.
People will be happy with your work and with your company when you use copper and brass.
High Performance: Copper and brass, similar to aluminum and stainless steel, is quite durable. This durability means that copper and brass have a high performance. You can manipulate this metal to serve any purpose you need!
Thin Steel Sheet
A thin steel sheet is utilized a lot in the construction industry, as well as many other industries throughout the United States. A thin steel sheet is, in turn, popular.
Lightweight: A thin steel sheet is lightweight which means it can be transported from place to place very easily.
Weather: A thin steel sheet is not damaged by weather conditions very easily.
Strong: A thin steel sheet is very strong and vulnerable.