Did You Know Elevators Are Safer Than Escalators? Check Out These Debunked Myths

Cleveland Internships  > Consider installing residential lifts, Home elevator repair, Residential elevator installation company >  Did You Know Elevators Are Safer Than Escalators? Check Out These Debunked Myths

Residential lifts

Commercial elevators are used in almost every aspect of daily life. They’re necessary for basic individual transportation, mass transportation and complex construction alike. As a result elevator repair is a must to make sure these complicated contraptions don’t have the opposite effect. The average elevator safety company is hard at work all days of the year double-checking, improving and repairing elevators across the country. There are a lot of common misconceptions about the safety and ability of elevators, so let’s waive these concerns away and take a look at how these really work!

How Many Elevators Are There?

Let’s start off with the basics — just how many elevators are there and why? Well, did you know the United States is home to a total of 900,000 elevators? They all serve an average of 20,000 people every single year, making them one of the most common forms of stationary travel technology. Collectively American elevators will make a total of 18 billion passenger trips on a yearly basis. It goes without saying your average elevator safety company has their work cut out for them!

Who Uses Elevators?

Elevators are an almost invisible part of everyday life, getting you where you need to go in ease and style. The majority of elevators are located within either commercial or retail properties, averaging at around 40 feet — this can be four to five floors depending on the building. However, some residential properties use residential lifts for employees with disabilities or on-site construction workers. Home elevator repair, as a result, is almost a separate industry. No matter the type, elevators are designed to be smooth, quick and reliable.

When Were Elevators Developed?

Believe it or not, elevators have been around for centuries. While older models originally were stationed by two or three engineers at all times, technological advances have made it so adjustments can be made at the touch of a button. There are five primary types of elevators that all vary in size, speed and capacity — freight, passenger, LULA, personnel and home. Passenger elevators are frequently hydraulically-driven, often for a maximum travel height of 50 feet or so, or traction-driven. The latter is preferred for medium and high-rise architecture of 50 feet or more.

Are Elevators Safe?

Elevators are one of the safest and most reliable forms of transportation available. Elevators are actually twenty times safer than even the safest escalators, despite there being far more of the latter than the former. Common accidents include slipping, tripping and getting clothes stuck in mechanical grooves. According to surveys conducted by United Technologies, elevators carry the equivalent of the world’s population every eight to nine days.

How Are Elevators Maintained?

Due to how frequently elevators and residential lifts are used they need to be constantly maintained and repaired. An elevator safety company must be certified through a rigorous training program to minimize any margin for error. Everything from the lifting belts to electric power sources need to be analyzed in case of an accident. Over 10,000 residential elevators are being installed yearly and this number isn’t expected to go down any time soon. When it comes down to it, elevators really are the peak of transportation technology!

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