The Advantages Of Using Cooling Towers


How cooling towers work

A major concern for many major businesses is water management, particularly if those businesses are interested in cooling systems that depart from the typical. Cooling is, like water management, a concern for almost any company. Most products and services are performed in some sense with cooling — whether due to the fact that that product or service needs to be made or performed in a cool environment, or that cooling is a direct part of the process. Luckily, there is a way that water management and cooling can work directly together, in the form of cooling towers. Unfortunately, many remain unaware of the way that cooling towers work, or in some cases that they even exist at all. With cooling towers, as with any service, the first step to understanding them is education. Once you understand the benefits of process cooling and how it can contribute to the reduction of water use, it can be difficult to ignore. With that being said, lets look into how cooling towers work, how they coincide with water management, and how they can lead to reductions in water consumption and more advanced cooling techniques that will last for a long time to come.

What Are Cooling Towers?

Cooling towers are essentially cooling systems that use water in a capacity — and in fact are meant to recycle water. These systems can work in a couple of different ways. Cooling towers either cool the working fluid to the temperature of a wet bulb by using the evaporation process to remove process heat; or they rely solely on air to cool the working fluid to dry bulb temperatures. In the second case, this process is used by closed circuit dry cooling towers. What are cooling towers used for, exactly? Well, they can be used in a few different capacities. Cooling towers have been used to the cool circulating water used in oil refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants — and they’ve been used to cool the water in thermal power stations and HVAC systems. While other systems were used before cooling towers, there are many reasons why cooling towers are gaining in the field. As you’ll discover below, cooling towers have greater benefits than alternatives, and at the same time provide better services. For that matter, there is no singular type of cooling tower. There are many different forms of cooling towers that can be made and transported depending on the client’s needs.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Cooling Towers?

Let’s look deeper at the benefits of using cooling towers. Originally, cooling towers were designed to recycle more than 98% of wasted water. This results in reductions in and water and energy use as cooling towers become more popular. It’s become increasingly apparent that water and energy should not be wasted when at all possible. Not only does this have a positive environmental impact — something that consumers appreciate — it also means less spending for the companies that use cooling towers. A reduction in energy and water wasted will always mean a reduction in money pent, and the use of an environmentally friendly cooling tower can also impact the image of your company in a positive light. As you’ll soon discover, cooling towers are also easier to transport than many alternatives. The way the system works is more convenient, combining recycling with cooling in a way that truly does kill two birds with one stone, in a sense.

What Kinds Of Cooling Towers Are Available?

As previously mentioned, cooling towers come in several different forms. Some cooling towers are smaller than others, with the smallest designed to handle water streams at rates of just a few gallons per minute. Their pipes are about the size of those you would see in residential housing. At the same time, there are cooling towers that are 175 tons; these can be shipped to customers fully assembled. These factory-assembled towers can be shipped to the client in one or two sections, bringing the convenience of cooling towers full circle.

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