Top 3 Reasons to Look at Shipping Containers For Modular Housing


If you’re setting up a long-term work site, it’s likely you’ll need job site trailers that are durable. Many last a maximum of five years, thanks to cheap wood and vinyl material not being terribly durable. However, a new solution is coming up quickly — one that benefits the environment and your team. Modular housing solutions composed of recycled shipping containers are becoming ever more popular. They’re portable and easy to relocate, as well as durable, making them ideal choices for temporary housing or work spaces on a site. Modular housing (even if it’s not made of shipping containers) is quick and easy to put together — some can be made in the factory in just one to two weeks. Let’s discuss the benefits of container structures as modular housing elements and how they can best serve your needs.

Why Should I Look at Container Structures for Modular Housing?

Shipping containers are eco-green right from the start. They’re usually made of around 85% recycled steel and are fully recyclable when they’re demolished. They can also be re-purposed, which helps keep new materials from being used. If just one 40 foot container is reused, around 3,500 kg of steel is upcycled and 8,000 kWh are saved from being used to melt it down.


Steel shipping containers last around 25 years and don’t need much maintenance, though some can help them last even longer. Furthermore, whether they’re a single unit or connected, they can hold up against 100 mph winds if given a foundation and if held into place with pylons, can withstand 175 mph hour winds.

Container structures are also easy to handle. They’re mobile, can be stacked, are weather-resistant, durable, and don’t generally need a foundation (unless you anticipate high winds) and have a longer lifespan than most job site trailers. And, it’s worth mentioning that current modular housing designs are very flexible in terms of the space you need. Multi-story units, entire complexes, or even just one small office space are all available.

How Can Shipping Containers Help Me?

Shipping containers will provide the most bang for your buck. According to estimates from sites, using shipping containers can save you as much as 40%, compared to other more traditional construction methods. They’re also fast to put together and when time is of the essence on a site, you want things that are not only quick, but quality. Shipping containers provide the best of both.

A structure made out of shipping containers takes between two to three weeks. Compare that with a brick and mortar structure, which can take as long as six months. Furthermore, a standard 40 foot container will give you about 300 feet of office space. Just four of them side by side will create around 1,200 feet of space — about the size of a three bedroom house.

Manufactured housing in general just takes less time and money to create, and reduces waste and material use as well. It can be a good boost for your company to be seen taking environmentally friendly routes to achieve your ultimate goal.

Talk to Me About Modular Housing Solutions

Modular housing solutions are a godsend for those looking for affordable housing or durable, longer-term office space on a temporary site. Building materials can be costly (as can real estate) and the amount of space (and time) needed to put modular housing up is minimal. Modular housing solutions can also be crucially important if used in an area that sees a lot of inclement weather (especially weather that involves high wind). They’re built to be stronger and more durable than traditional housing or office space, making it a safer space to work. And, if a bad storm blows through, worrying about whether or not your office space will make it through will be minimized.

Consider looking into shipping containers as replacements for the more traditional job site trailers. Overall, they’re more durable, eco-friendly, flexible, and cost-effective for the work you need done. Use them once and you’ll never go back!

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