Why College Grads Can Benefit From Working With an Engineer Staffing Agency

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This video from WGN 9 is all about finding a job after college graduation. Many newly graduated students do not think about the value that an engineer staffing company brings to the table. While the job market still remains strong after the pandemic, there are still some barriers to finding employment.
An engineer staffing company is a great segway into the job market for the newly graduated job seeker.

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Staffing agencies offer unique options to help job seekers find the perfect company to work for. Job seekers have different expectations today than they did pre-pandemic. They are looking for more flexibility when it comes to working remotely. Yet they want to have an office to go to.

Job seekers today are looking for strong training and development programs to ensure that they can continue to grow their careers. This video shares tips for finding a great job right out of college that will provide growth and opportunity. Anyone that is recently graduated or getting ready to graduate should watch this video to learn what their counterparts are doing, and what they should be looking for in that first right-out-of-college job. This short video provides a lot of information. Watch it now.

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