Where would your customers be without business signage?
Let’s be honest…they probably wouldn’t be browsing your wares for the next big deal. In fact, they might not be in your store or establishment at all. The function of a sign is a complex one, due in no small part all the skills that go into making one that works, much less in several ways. Digital LED business signs are not all that much different from old-fashioned wood and paint back in the day. You need to communicate what your business does and help customers find your shop, all at once.
Sound like a lot to keep track of? Break it down with the list below so you can finally start getting the most out of your full color LED signs.
The Growth Of LED Signs For Business
While there’s no one single way of getting good business out of your signage, you should still be paying close attention to customer trends. A single switch could see you raking in twice as much! Once 2019 wraps up LED signs are estimated to hit a 55% penetration of the global lighting market. Whether it’s a church marquee sign or digital LED signs for business, it’s been shown customers want something that pops. The first impression is a powerful tool and one you can help cultivate with a little more work.
Correlation Between Signage And Foot Traffic
Did you know your sign can be useful in directing customers to your place of business? This is a surprisingly overlooked aspect of marketing, as many businessowners are more focused on communicating brand intent. A recent Best Buy survey found nearly 20% of respondents stating they walked into the store because of the sign alone. That means putting your electronic signs for business in a clever location can inspire not just positive feelings, but curiosity. A little clearly goes a long way.
Saving Money With Onsite Signs
Marketing can be an incredibly expensive task. It’s an ongoing act you keep up with in order to reach out to people, with varying degrees of success, and the rules of the game seem to change on a dime. Onsite signs, at the very least, save you money while still advertising your brand. The value of an onsite sign has been found to equal 24 full-page newspaper advertisements in a year’s time. Imagine all the money you could be saving in the long run!
Psychology Behind Repeated Sign Presence
How, exactly, do signs stick in our subconscious and get us to buy a product or look up a service? Repetition has something to do with it. A poll asking customers their thoughts on effective advertising found nearly 60% stating they learned about an event they were interested in through a billboard. Another one-third reported looking at an outdoor ad every single time they went driving. Digital LED business signs are like an invisible handshake, greeting people every time they look to the left or the right.
Crafting The Best Signs For 2019
Your electronic school signs and commercial business signs need a little work. There’s nothing wrong with that. There’s always some tweaking to be done when it comes to digital marketing, all the better to reflect a dynamic society ever on the hunt for the next big thing. Location is one of your best tools, as nearly 85% of a business’s repeat customers live or work within a five-mile radius of its location. A simple color scheme and LED style will also do a lot to stick in the minds of passerbys.
Your customers need signage. You need customers. Keep things simple and let digital LED business signs do the rest.