Imagine watching any movie or television show that takes place in the 19th Century. Imagine the setting is a crowded city or even a palatial estate. Wherever the story takes place, it is taking place during a time period when alarm systems were not invented. Sure, people tried to do things to keep burglars at bay, but the truth is that without alarm systems, theft was an almost inevitable part of living.
Until the days of security system installation, keeping thieves at bay was a very difficult thing to do. Many shopkeepers had dogs or other animals on duty, but nothing could have the same effect as our modern business security system or a technologically sound home security system. In our modern world, security system installation is a like taking a giant step toward saving your business money and even saving you money at home.
A quality home alarm system, whether it contains a video surveillance system or not, makes a home far more secure than it would be otherwise. A home without a security system is much more apt to be broken into than a home that has undergone security system installation. In fact, it is 300% more likely that no alarm system or security system could mean a break in.
In the year 2013 alone, the amount of money lost because of reported property crimes totaled up to be $16.6 billion. At the same time, the number of property crimes committed in 2013 went down 4.1% from the year prior. This means that security system installation is up. How else could one explain the trend? People have been trying since the beginning of property itself to keep thieves away to not much avail.
When you think about security systems and what might seem like a big expense and a big project at first, you might be inclined to think you could do without one. You might think there are too many features to one system or another that you are looking at and that you don’t need everything they have to offer. That might be true, and at the same time, it is more likely that what you will lose could end up costing you far more than what it cost for the security system installation. Here are three reasons why you are more likely to lose more money without a security system than you would spend to get one installed.
Police are only able to solve a small number of thefts.
You can fill out police reports and the police themselves can come out to your home or business to investigate, but the nature of the crime means that police are only going to be able to solve about 13% of reported burglaries. This is because there just isn’t enough physical evidence nor are there sufficient witnesses.
Insurance companies often offer a discount if a security system is installed.
Yes, it is true. Many insurance companies will give discounts to homeowners or business owners who install security systems. Sometimes even up to a 20% discount. It makes sense. The insurance companies know they will pay out less if fewer burglaries happen. They would gladly toss a little money your way if they can save in the long run. When you have a security system, you increase your chances of keeping the things you value for a good long time.
If you have a business, a security system can help you keep an eye on and drastically reduce employee theft.
It might surprise you to learn that according to the United States Department of Commerce, approximately 75% of all employees steal. That is an amazingly high number, isn’t it? You already know how much of a priority it is in your business to bring that number down as far as you can. Reducing employee theft with video surveillance and improved locks can save your business thousands of dollars a year in lost inventory alone.
Sadly, we don’t live in a time where trust will allow us to feel safe and protected from theft. Fortunately, we live in an age where security systems are the best they have ever been. Save some money now.