Tips to Help You Increase Your Internet Visibility

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The two most popular things people do on the internet are email and search engine searches. In fact, it has been reported that at least 93% of all internet experiences start with a search engine. The vast majority of these searches are with Google. It owns between 65 and 70% of the market share. It has been found that about 75% of all internet users never go past the first page of a search engine search. If you want to increase your internet visibility you need to make sure your site appears as close to the top of the search results as possible.

  1. Start by finding how you are doing now. Before you embark on a new search engine optimization (SEO) campaign, you need to know how your site is doing now. You will have no way of knowing if your campaign is a success unless you know where you are at the start. There are ways to determine your rank manually or by going through and searching for each of your keywords. There are also some software packages that can make the process easier for you. Once you do this, you can get down to the work of raising your internet visibility.
  2. Check out how your competition is faring. Once you have spent the time looking into your own rankings, check out those of your competition. There are several reasons to do this. It will give you a good comparison point. It may also give you ideas about how you can recreate some of their success on your own site.
  3. Find out which of your keywords are doing the best. Not all keywords are created equal. In order to develop the right marketing campaign to increase your internet visibility, you need to know what keywords are doing the most for your brand. Consider your customers and clients and think about your most popular products or services. Do some searches for those and similar products or services and see what results you get.
  4. Produce the best content. This is as true today as it has ever been. Content is king. You can have the best SEO campaign, the best looking site and even pay people to visit your site once, people will not return, tell their networks about you or become a real user of your website unless it has something real to offer. Your content needs to be well written and needs to offer something to your visitors that they cannot get anywhere else.
  5. If people are talking about you online, you need to know. If you have gotten your internet visibility to the point where other companies are talking about you, you need to know about it. These brand mentions can be instrumental in growing your web visibility even further and may be good leads for links back to your website, which is something that Google puts a high premium on. Set up Google alerts for your company and do not forget to check Twitter for mentions. Reach out to the companies and people who mention you.
  6. Be social on social media. When people mention you, respond. When people are talking about something that is up your alley, chime in. When you increase your social media presence, you are increasing your internet visibility and can be a good way to get a good dialogue with your customers or clients.
  7. Provide good customer service. Hear that someone is complaining about your products or services? Reach out to them and see if you can make the situation better. People often appreciate it more than you may realize when they hear from a company that they complained about. If one of your customers praises you, reach out to them and thank them. Ask if they will write a recommendation or review.
  8. Do periodic checks of your performance. At the beginning of your campaign, you did an audit to see where you were. You need to go back after a few months and see how your efforts to increase your internet visibility are going. If you do not do that, what is the point? You will have to tweak your efforts, get back to work and then a few months later do that again. You will never have a “set” campaign.


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