Modern life is brimming with a number of conveniences that generations past could only imagine. In fact, many of today’s technological advances were once considered alien technology, but that’s a whole different story.
Sure, many conspiracy theorists suggest that intelligent, highly advanced extraterrestrial beings are the ones who are truly responsible for advancing the human race, however the fact remains that life today is far different than it was.
While some view advances in technology as a blessing, and equal number of people view it has a hindrance to mankind. For example, while advances in medical technology have prolonged but improved the lives of people around the planet, people have become dangerously dependent on technology. It has become to shape the ways in which people communicate with each other in person, the way people find important information, the way people fill their vehicles’ fuel tanks and even the way people put food on their dinner table.
Ah, the conveniences of modern day life. A supermarket chock full of fresh, tasty foods and gas stations that seem to provide a limitless supply of fuel for cars, motorcycles, tank trailers, trucks and everything in between. But where does it call come from and how did it get from there to your car’s fuel tank or your dining room table? The answer is one that most people don’t actually know.
This is precisely why many people view advances in technology as a double edged sword. Has it made life a bit too? Are people a little too comfortable? There’s no denying that advances in modern technology have allowed consumers to disassociate from where the goods and services they love actually come from. After all, most people wouldn’t be eating and grilling steak so often if they have actually had to harvest, butcher, and prepare a cow.
Similarly, most people have little to no idea where the gas that ends up in their vehicles’ fuel tank actually comes from. The concept of oil and gas industry — and how effects nearly every aspect of modern day life in one way or another — is one that is completely foreign to most consumers.
Ironically, aside from the gasoline or diesel put into fuel tanks, petroleum and its components are used in a variety of everyday products. Oil field products include plastics, cell phones, electronics, and even poplar cosmetic and healthcare items such as petroleum jelly. Just imagine life without any one of these modern necessities and things can become kind of scary.
The truth is, the oil and gas industry relies on drilling rig systems both on land and at sea to prospect for black gold, a term commonly used to describe crude oil. After the crude oil is harvested, it then goes through a number of refining processes and production equipment before it becomes a petroleum-based product, such as the gas that’s — hopefully — sitting in your vehicle’s fuel tank right now.