How Ceramic Coatings Like ITC 100 Can Help Reduce Energy Usage in Kilns

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Pottery is one of the oldest human arts and dates back thousands of years. Both practical and aesthetic, it is still an important form of self expression, communication, and even art therapy. Artists, potters, and sculptors who consider getting their own kilns to fire their pottery have a wide range of choices in terms of design and materials. Kilns can be electric, or they can use gas or wood as a heat source. An essential material for kilns is ITC 100, which is used as ceramic coating inside the kiln to achieve the necessary high temperatures.

An ancient art
Pottery making is one of the oldest human arts and the earliest firing kilns discovered by archeologists have been dated to 6,000 B.C.E. Some of the most common and distinctive artifacts found on archaeological sites are pottery and pot shards. These are characteristic of each culture and era and are used to date sites.
It’s an art that is still widely practised. That’s because the products of the potter’s wheel are both decorative and practical, and bring beauty and creativity to everyday things. Many potters and sculptors decide to set up their own kilns where they can control the timing, temperature, and conditions of firing the pottery to finish the glaze.

Glazing and firing
Glazing is the final step in pottery making and consists in the application of a layer that will melt to the surface of the pot when fired in a kiln. This gives the pottery a glossy finish and makes it almost indestructible, which is why it can survive for thousands of years. Choosing the glaze is an important matter, because it controls color and design. Glazing techniques include painting with a brush, dipping, pouring or spraying, and each produces a different pattern.
Once the glaze has been applied, the pottery is fired in a kiln. Kilns come in a range of designs, based primarily on the source of heat used. This can be electric, gas, or firewood. The process of firing also controls the final appearance of the pottery.

Kilns and high temp ceramic coating
A kiln is basically an insulated chamber which reaches a temperature that is high enough to fuse the glaze to the pottery. The source of heat can be electric, gas, wood, or other materials. Kiln temperatures can reach as high as 1,800 to 2,400 degrees Fahrenheit. ITC or International Thermal Ceramics coatings are high temperature ceramic coatings that are used inside the kiln to achieve the high temperatures necessarily for firing.
ITC 100 has been around for about 25 years. High temp coatings can withstand extremely high temperatures inside the kiln. Ceramics can stand temperatures up to 3,800 degrees Fahrenheit or 2,000 degrees Celsius. ITC ceramic coating can withstand temperatures up to 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit. ITC 100 helps to save energy and protect equipment, while enabling the kiln or forge to reach the necessary temperatures.

Pottery making is an ancient art that is still popular today. Glazing and firing are the finishing stages in pottery making and are also part of the process of creating the design and finish. This is why many potters choose to set up their own kilns. Potters, artists, and sculptors who want to set up their own kilns have a wide range of materials and designs to choose from. Ceramic coatings like ITC 100 can help to save energy and reduce costs while reaching the high temperatures necessary for firing pottery.

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