Are You a Veteran Looking for a Meaningful Way to Contribute to Society?

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As both parties look for ways to get out the vote for the upcoming election, there are a number of groups who are hoping they are better represented. One group of people who is taking matters into their own hands are veterans. Tasked with any number of challenging situations while they were enlisted, veterans are often uniquely positioned to lead and to govern. For this reason, there are many groups across the country who are hoping that the names of veterans on the ballot will lead to more formerly enlisted service people voting this year.

From people who have served in special operations support groups to those who saw a more typical field combat, there are many skills earned by those who have served this country.

Veterans Often Offer Unique Skills for a Number of Public Offices and Civilian Jobs
Special operational equipment (SOE) training is both rigorous and detailed. Whether it is learning how to safely and effectively use fire and emergency services equipment for a specific job site or it is learning to lead a group of soldiers in a number of different settings, there are many skills that veterans gain while they are in service that transfer well to other areas. Both in the workplace and in political office, in fact, there are a number of times when a person needs to learn how to react quickly and to lead with authority, both skills that are taught to those in combat. A recent article in the November 2018 issue of Popular Mechanics featured several stories about veterans helping other veterans successfully transition from their days in the service to work in the public sector. Not surprising, this election season will also see many veterans listed on ballots across the country.

Men and women who have been trained in special operations support operational solutions are especially likely to find themselves with valuable skill sets that can contribute to an elected office or a government job. Tapping into these valuable skills mean that veterans can find a meaningful way to continue to be useful in a number of ways in life beyond the battlefield.

The General Services Administration (GSA), an independent agency of the U.S. government, has specific listings of skill sets that are matched with hundreds of job titles and classifications. In fact, the GSA security schedule includes more than 100 subcategories, known as Special Item Numbers (SINs). By understanding the skill set included in many of the operations that veterans were assigned to can help private sector companies harness some of the greatest assets of a number of veterans. For instance, the GSA procures more than 65,000 vehicles a year, amounting to more than $1 billion in high-quality vehicles and automotive services. Having a veteran who already understands these distinctions is useful in a number of companies.

A veteran who has been specifically trained in special operations support skills can help navigate the complicated tasks that are required in many jobs, including the designations outlined in the GSA procurement list.

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