According to the Epsilon 2012 Channel Preference study, nearly three-quarters of American consumers and just over two-thirds of Canadians prefer direct mail for their brand communications. For the most part, they cite the fact that it allows them to read advertising, marketing, and promotional materials on their own time. So though recent trends show that digital marketing is taking the place of direct mail and other traditional marketing strategies, printing and mailing services are still a valuable tool to growing businesses. They help businesses attract every type of customer and not just limit themselves to those who are firmly entrenched in the digital age.
While some might believe that printed content is restrictive and prefer to do their ad and marketing work online to be more creative, there is a wide range of items that can be used in the print arena. Direct mail letters are a good way to send information to consumers in their home and custom brochures can be placed in the mail or local stores. On top of that, hotel rack cards are a great tool for businesses who depend on vacationers and tourists to thrive. Because printing and mailing services help companies produce such a wide variety of specific products, businesses can use more than digital content.
Working with printing and mailing services can be beneficial not just for sharing information with consumers, but actually establishing a more positive relationship with them. The Epsilon study also found that 59% of Americans and 65% of respondents agreed with the statement, “I enjoy getting postal mail from brands about new products.” Building a great relationship with both current and potential customers is vital for growing businesses. And though much of that work is now done through social media and other online outlets, printed content can still be helpful.
Owners and managers need to get creative to help boost visibility and attract new customers. Many take the word “creative” and assume that it means “digital.” But using online marketing and advertising tactics alone can be restrictive and hinder growth potential. In order to remedy that, businesses should also stick to some traditional print techniques. Finding the balance between online and print — or the new and the old, if you will — can be vital for businesses looking for the extra boost they need to ensure success in both the current marketplace and in the future. For more about this, go here.