Are you or a loved in planning a trip or a move abroad? Maybe you need to send a care package to a family member or friend living in a different country. You might not know where to begin with cargo companies and shipping large boxes and packages such a long distance. It can be difficult to decide what company to use, how to package your items, how much money to spend and when to expect your shipments and packages to arrive. Luckily, the air and ocean cargo industry is becoming more popular and beneficial to use. Whether you are moving or just need to ship a package, there are plenty of reasons why cargo companies in the USA and elsewhere are beneficial to use.
Since cargo airlines do not deal with transporting people, they are entirely dedicated to shipping cargo. This can be done nationally and internationally depending on your needs. Without door to door service like this, making shipments would not be as simple or efficient. For instance, air cargo services handle all the management and control the flows. Whether it is goods, energy, information or other resources, these companies handle everything from production to the final sales destination. Keep reading to learn three reasons why you should use air and ocean cargo for your next door to door transport.
1. The air and ocean cargo industry is continuing to grow.
Since the industry is rapidly growing, it is more reliable and stable. For instance, when it comes to global air transport, 60 percent of global air shipments are handled by cargo only aircrafts. This means the industry is growing to the point where your shipments may soon only take place on cargo only aircrafts rather than being placed on aircrafts that also hold people. There will be less interruptions in the shipping process of getting your shipment to its destination at a reasonable time.
Additionally, the global air transport industry transported $6.4 trillion worth of cargo in 2012 alone. As the years pass, this number increases with it reaching $75.4 billion in revenue in 2013. As it steadily continues to increase, this will benefit the industry allowing for even more regulations and standards that will improve your experience as a consumer using air and ocean cargo for your shipments and packages.
2. Transportation times are reliable with air and ocean cargo.
The shipping processes in air cargo are very time sensitive. For this reason, air freight services have tighter control over these time frames. They stick to their deadlines and try to keep them as short as possible guaranteeing less possibility for risks such as damage to products or loss of products. This allows for a higher quality product delivery for both the sender and the receiver.
3. You can make your shipments eco-friendly.
With shorter transport times, the point-to-point transportation decreases the time of traveling. This helps cut down on energy, as well. There is a decrease overall in the time spent in the air and the number of stops each package has to make. Additionally, you have some control over how eco-friendly you want your shipments to be. With the right materials and tools, you can truly make your shipment eco-friendly to better the environment. Some ways to do so are to use recycled boxes for your packages and to use bags for your shipments.
It does not matter if you are moving abroad, moving to another state or simply trying to send a shipment or a package to a family or friend living somewhere else. Making sure of air and ocean cargo to ship your items will be beneficial to you as the sender, the receiver and the environment if you choose to send your items in an eco-friendly fashion. Have you ever made shipments using air and ocean cargo? Where did you make your shipments? Let us know how your experience was using door to door transport and different types of freight like this.