Don’t Waste Your Money on Boring Greeting Cards — Make Your Own!

Cleveland Internships  > Custom envelopes, Flush mount albums, Personalized metal ornaments >  Don’t Waste Your Money on Boring Greeting Cards — Make Your Own!

Custom envelopes

Are you the type of person that plans way ahead for holidays? Do you jump on Halloween sales in the beginning of September? Do you do all your Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving is over?

If so, you may want to think about how you want to send out your Christmas greeting cards soon. You usually probably head out to the nearest grocery store, drug store, or card outlet to find a pack of greeting cards that will suffice.

But why not mix it up this year, and make your own custom photo greeting cards?

Custom photo greeting cards allow you to select the images that go on the card, whether they be from a recent picture album or straight off your cell phone camera.

Here are some of the benefits of making your own photo greeting cards.

  • Unique. The whole point of sending out a greeting card at Christmas time is to wish others a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, but to also share a piece of your family with them. What better way to celebrate the holidays than send out a custom card that contains a picture, or pictures, of your whole family? Your recipients will be thrilled to see the most recent photos of your family, instead of getting the same old “Happy Holidays” card with a snow scene on it.
  • Options. When you buy cards from the store, you will have to settle for what the professional printing company puts on the cover and the inside of the card. But if you make your own, you can customize the card however you want. There are many websites online that offer a plethora of templates you can use. You can choose the type of paper you want to print on, the colors, and even use filters on your pictures once you upload them. This way, you can pick the best combination of colors, pictures, and designs.
  • Lasting Memories. Let’s face it — after Christmas season is over, you probably throw out your cards. But if you had custom photo cards from family members, wouldn’t you be less likely to toss them in the garbage? In fact, you may even want to put them in a photo album every year. Similarly, your photo cards could become a permanent part of your recipients’ picture books and albums.

So, get to work on your custom photo greeting cards today. It would be best to play around with the templates and see what combinations appeal to you. This way, it will be one less thing for you to do once Thanksgiving hits. Read more blogs like this.

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